Covid, Education, and Technology

Over the past year and a half, educators around the world—from primary school teachers to university professors—moved nearly all their classes online. Teachers have been in the trenches with their students experimenting and stress testing various online platforms, and digital tools.

According to a recent WONKHE survey, over 90% of university educators now feel proficient in using digital technology in learning and teaching and over 70% are confident in the usefulness of technology in supporting high quality learning and teaching. This suggests that educators are very well positioned to build a future of learning based on their own pedagogical priorities.

As Phil Libin put it this way during a recent fireside chat at EdTech Week.

“I think the attitude of a lot of people who make technology towards educators is just ‘Obey. Comply. It’s inevitable. Technology is driving the change. You just have to do it…’ I don’t think it’s our job to tell teachers or educators, this is the way the world is going to go and get with it or you just don’t understand. I think the goal is to ask, what kind of tools can we give you so that you can create better, so that you can do your job better?”

Mmhmm was founded just over a year ago and in that time it’s been an inspiration to observe educators seize our technology and use it in ways that make sense to them and that serve their purposes for teaching.

Below: promo followed by full talk.